Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We have been working at a decent rate over Christmas break. I have been doing all of the bulkhead fillets for my (port) hull. These fillets seem to take forever, but I think I finally have my system tuned well enough to avoid the rage and frustration that was felt earlier on. The fillet mixture is like peanut butter and it sticks to everything and drips and goes everywhere! Now that I have figured out how to keep this most unsavory mixture under control, my progress with each is seemingly more efficient. I only have eight more to do tomorrow! Grace has been getting her bulkheads ready to go in, and we should be able to stitch them in tomorrow. We have her hull stitched and hanging, and we also rearranged the hulls so that port is on the left and starboard on the right side of the garage. Before I had my port hull over on the right. When moving my hull, we were both surprised at how lightweight it still is. The plans say that a complete hull should weigh in at around 175 pounds. We also went on an overnight sail on Sunday night with our Montgomery 15. We had the lake to ourselves, and it only got down to around forty degrees. The Montgomery is a fine vessel, but it's slow monohull speed had us dreaming of our future with the Tiki.

Anchor locker fillets


The second hull is ready for it's bulkheads


  1. Wish you both a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Nice to see how many progress you made in the last weeks.Great looking hulls!
    Friendly regards from Germany

  2. How did you clamp the diagonal stiffeners /stringers? Attaching them on the flat panels? Stapling them? Stitching them? Temporary screws?
    Is there any outward curve along the stringers on those panels?
